About MeWhen I was younger I thought I was dumb. I nearly failed the fourth grade and by the time I was in high school, I just stopped going to class. School meant humiliation, and the brain is designed to protect against humiliation. I made it through high school in an alternative program. Not knowing what to do next, I enrolled in community college to get a 19 credit hour certificate to be a nanny. At the last minute, I decided to take some general education courses to get my Associate’s degree. To my surprise, in my first semester, I got almost all A’s and two B’s. I was dumbfounded. Was I smart?
Two doctorate degrees later (the first one in Neuroscience from Rutgers, and the second in Educational Leadership from UCSD) I have come to the conclusion that I am smart. More importantly it made me question our schools. Certainly, the traditional school system did not fit my unique learning needs. The approach taken by Conceptual Math is a way of reaching all learners. As Temple Grandin says "The world needs all kinds of minds." Please contact me for any information on training or materials related to Conceptual Math.
Abigail Larrison, PhD, EdD [email protected] |